Welcome to HeliHub Photography 2000/01/15—2024/12/30

From around South Africa with Marc de Fontaine, friends and colleagues.

What's New?


6 images

Bell 407

416 images

Cockpit Views

67 images


3 images

External Views

11 images

Heads On

102 images


12 images

Robinson R22

75 images

Robinson R44

167 images

Robinson R66

8 images

"My photography journey started 27 years ago with a film photograph of Bell 407 ZS-RLM, one of the very first 407's to be brought in to South Africa. Pictures presented here reflect not necessarily beautiful helicopters (although some indeed are), but more of a record of helicopter types that I have been fortunate enough to pilot, fly in and photograph over the years. With kind thanks to friends and colleagues who have assisted with setting up these pictures, and to those friends and colleagues who have kindly agreed to share their photographs here too." - Marc de Fontaine